Classé : 36 699ème dans le classement général
Extrait de son profil ( E CARTE DE VOEUX ) : ... crEation rEalisation, flyEr, cataloguE, brochurE, invitation, pr?sEntation powEr point, animation flas...... crEation rEalisation, flyEr, cataloguE, brochurE, invitation, pr?sEntation powEr point, animation flash, affic...... crEation rEalisation, flyEr, cataloguE, brochurE, invitation, pr?sEntation powEr point, animation flash, affichE, banniErE wE...... crEation rEalisation, flyEr, cataloguE, brochurE, invitation, pr?sEntation powEr point, animation flash, affichE, banniErE wEb, bachE, pl...... crEation rEalisation, flyEr, cataloguE, brochurE, invitation, pr?sEntation powEr point, animation flash, affichE, banniErE wEb, bachE, plaquEttE, l...... crEation rEalisation, flyEr, cataloguE, brochurE, invitation, pr?sEntation powEr point, animation flash, affichE, banniErE wEb, bachE, plaquEttE, logos, papEttEriElaf...
Classé : 1 683ème dans le classement général
Extrait de son profil ( E CARTE DE VOEUX ) : ... A22 Sports ManagEmEnt, ClaudiE PiErlot, SNCF, V?olia, ThE Walking NErds, Blank, PErnod Ricard, MEiosE, MalEn SquarE,...... A22 Sports ManagEmEnt, ClaudiE PiErlot, SNCF, V?olia, ThE Walking NErds, Blank, PErnod Ricard, MEiosE, MalEn SquarE, W...... A22 Sports ManagEmEnt, ClaudiE PiErlot, SNCF, V?olia, ThE Walking NErds, Blank, PErnod Ricard, MEiosE, MalEn SquarE, WilliE BEama...... A22 Sports ManagEmEnt, ClaudiE PiErlot, SNCF, V?olia, ThE Walking NErds, Blank, PErnod Ricard, MEiosE, MalEn SquarE, WilliE BEaman, S...... A22 Sports ManagEmEnt, ClaudiE PiErlot, SNCF, V?olia, ThE Walking NErds, Blank, PErnod Ricard, MEiosE, MalEn SquarE, WilliE BEaman, ST Dupont, BEstform, L&r...