programmation : HTML, PHP&MySql, 3DStudio, ActionScript3.0, C++, JAVA, JAVA SCRIPT, MaxScript.
platformes : windows, linux, mac.
langues : français, english, arabe, espagniol.
software 3D : 3DSmax, Maya, Cinema4D, Blender, Zbrush, vue, RealFlow, Vray, MentalRay, RayFire, FumeFX, Karakatoa, the foundry suite.
compositing software : after effects, NUKE, the foundry suite, the REDGIANT suite, videocopilot suite.
software 2D : PhotoShop, Illustrator, Indesign, Flash.
audiovisuel : adobe premiere, sony vegas, pinnacle, avid, magix movie maker, magix music maker, cubase.
data base : Oracle.
ingenieur d'etat en electronique option control.