Profil du prestataire mar_yahyaoui

Informations générales sur le prestataire mar_yahyaoui

Nickname : mar_yahyaoui
Type de structure : travailleur occasionnel
Date inscription : 21/01/2015
Dernière fois en ligne : 12/02/2015
Classement : classé 26 369ème sur 66 327 prestataires classés

Tags compétences


Profil détaillé du prestataire mar_yahyaoui

Domaines de compétence
Projets de conception graphique, de la création à l’impression
pour supports de communication (plaquettes,
flyers, affiches, brochures, papeterie, plans, etc)
Travaux d’édition, mise en page
Création d’identités visuelles, logos, chartes graphiques
Colorimétrie, choix typographiques
Photographie (shooting, retouches)
Expérience professionnelle

2007-Stage professionel au sein de l agence : KAROUI&KAROUI adevertising

2008-graphiste au sein de l'agance : GDC

2009-2014 directeur artistique: 3Sixty advertising 


Projets réalisés par mar_yahyaoui

Portfolio en ligne du prestataire 'mar_yahyaoui'

 Titre : mar-yahyaoui
 Description : DESIGN IS INTELLIGENCE MADE VISIBLE... Being a Graphic Designer, from the Superior Institute of Science and technology of Design, I acquired a diverse background training combining theoretical and practical knowledge. All my academic training, internships and projects allowed me to familiarize with the universe of photography and graphic conception. I am involved heavily in my work and I think I can, without false modesty, affirm that the missions assigned to me have been carried out, and give satisfaction to my superiors and clients during my previous professional experiences, Being aware of the interest you have shown in this domain to develop your reputation, brand, and a great performance to reach optimum customer satisfaction
 Type projet : identité visuelle
 Thème projet : affaire
 Durée : quelques mois
 Budget : 100 €
 Date : 26/12/2017

Being a Graphic Designer, from the Superior Institute of Science and technology of Design, I acquired a diverse background training combining theoretical and practical knowledge. All my academic training, internships and projects allowed me to familiarize with the universe of photography and graphic conception.

I am involved heavily in my work and I think I can, without false modesty, affirm that the missions assigned to me have been carried out, and give satisfaction to my superiors and clients during my previous professional experiences, Being aware of the interest you have shown in this domain to develop your reputation, brand, and a great performance to reach optimum customer satisfaction

Références clients certifiées
